The Finger Trap: A Tony Flaner Mystery

I said it once, and I’ll say it again: Johnny Worthen is an author that continues to impress and satisfy. This time, I decided to plunge into his comedic detective series The Finger Trap.

I remember when I first met Johnny Worthen (or maybe the first time? I can’t remember), he was handing out bookmarks featuring this novel, along with Eleanor and another book I haven’t read called The Brand Demand, as marketing. I’d always liked both mystery novels and fantasy (with a soft spot for YA fantasy, if you haven’t noticed) and was drawn towards The Finger Trap. Johnny, seeing my wide-eyed innocence, steered me towards Eleanor. While I was a little put off, Johnny was right: where I was at the time, Eleanor was more to my liking. The Finger Trap has more adult humor, and if I’d read it back then I probably never would have read another Johnny Worthen novel. Continue reading “The Finger Trap: A Tony Flaner Mystery”

The Actor and the Housewife

The Actor and the Housewife, by Shannon Hale, is a book I didn’t know existed until I found it in a library book sale. I’d read The Goose Girl and listened to her other Books of Bayern. I knew about her Princess Academy books (though I’ve never read them because when I learned of them I was at that stage where I disliked such “girly” things as an academy for princesses). I’d even seen the film adaptation of her book Austenland. So when I ran across this book, I giggled. The premise sounded too funny. A world-famous actor and a Mormon housewife meet and, what–fall in love? Become best friends? It sounded like the perfect lighthearted comedy. Continue reading “The Actor and the Housewife”