Line of Fire: An Autumn Rain Novel

Tline of fire coverhere comes a time when you’re reading a series when you have to decide, “Is this getting better?  Is this series still worth my time?”

I want to say that the Autumn Rain novels are getting better with each installment.  I want to love Autumn’s character as much as I did when I first discovered the series.  But either the author Rachel Ann Nunes is getting series fatigue, or I’m becoming a more savvy reader and recognize flaws in her writing that I never noticed when I first read Imprints.

I went over my reactions of the first installment of the series when I reviewed Final Call, so I won’t rehash them here.  Instead, I’ll focus on what stood out to me that makes me believe either the author has writing fatigue or isn’t focusing on improving her craft. Continue reading “Line of Fire: An Autumn Rain Novel”

The Devotion of Suspect X

devotion of suspect x coverThe other day I was looking on Facebook and noticed that the book club that I belong to, but haven’t attended in months, was hosting a discussion session on a day that I could actually attend.  And that day happened to be in two days’ time.  And I’d never even heard of the book that was going to be discussed.  Oh, and that book was approximately 300 pages long, a translation, and a cerebral read.  So like any semi-sane person, I decided to download it on my resurrected Kindle Touch and read it in approximately eight hours straight (okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration.  It was seven hours straight, with an extra hour the day before). Continue reading “The Devotion of Suspect X”

The Devil in Silver

devil in silver coverThe Devil in Silver, by Victor Lavalle, is a book I found in the unlikeliest of places: the dollar store.  Now, some of you may be going, “Oh Ellie, you didn’t grab a Dollar Tree book, did you?  All of those are castoffs with no real value.”  To which I reply, “Pooh pooh, some of these books are real gems lost to the tragedy of poor publicity and marketing.”

Now, there are some books that I find at the Dollar Tree that I absolutely love, and others are so-so.  This one’s a mix of good and so-so.  So…at least I only paid a dollar for this four hundred-plus page book. Continue reading “The Devil in Silver”